The Fargreen Code of Conduct


Fargreen farmers © Fargreen.,JSC

Fargreen farmers © Fargreen.,JSC

The Fargreen Code of Conduct is one of the ways we put Fargreen’s core values into practice. It’s built around the recognition that everything we do in connection with our work at Fargreen will be, and should be, measured against the highest possible standards of ethical business conduct. We set the bar that high for our ultimate aspiration: to go far in fulfilling our mission of building communities whose foundations are built on a nurturing environment where all of our Fargreeners or our community seeds can have an equal chance of growing. 

This is also a reflection of our commitment to the highest standards which help us hire great people, build great communities and great products and attract loyal partners. Respect for our communities, for the opportunity, and for each other are foundational to our success, and are something we need to support every day.

So please do read the Code and Fargreen’s values, and follow both in spirit and letter, always bearing in mind that each of us has a personal responsibility to incorporate, and to encourage other Fargreener to incorporate, the principles of the Code and values into our work. And if you have a question or ever think that one of your fellow Fargreeners or the company as a whole may be falling short of our commitment, don’t be silent.  We want and need to hear from you.

Who Must Follow Our Code? We expect all of our employees, leaders and Board members to know and follow the Code. This also includes volunteers, interns, and consultants that are currently working with us. Failure to do so can result in disciplinary action, including termination of employment and partnership. 

What If I Have a Code-Related Question or Concern? If you have a question or concern, don’t just sit there. You can contact your manager, your Human Resources representative, or get in touch directly with our CEO. Finally, if you believe a violation of law has occurred, you can always raise that with your direct supervisor or our CEO for support. 



I. THE 3 ‘NO’s: 


I understand that everyone wants to do a good job and the most important thing at work is to solve problems. Therefore, as a Fargreener, whenever I see a problem, I will try to understand it and focus on the solutions and not putting my effort into blaming it on someone.


I understand that everyone wants to do a good job and that everyone has the need for being respected at the workplace as well as in their community. Therefore, being a Fargreener, I commit to always respecting other colleges, partners and community people that I interact with. 


I understand that everybody wants to do a good job and everybody wants the best for themselves and the community that they are part of. Therefore, being a Fargreener, I commit not to criticize, yell, or attacking anyone personally in front of individuals and/or groups. I commit to trying my best in focusing on solving the problems while respecting other parties involved. 



I understand that maintaining a fun, positive and open working environment is essential at Fargreen. Being a Fargreener, I commit to trying my best at showing a positive attitude toward our colleagues, partners, and people in the communities in any circumstances.


I understand that a good working environment is a place where everyone’s ideas, privacy, and personal belief system are respected. Therefore, being a Fargerener, I commit to practice being a better listener every day, respecting other colleagues, partners and people in different communities. 


I understand that a cooperative environment is an important medium for succeeding in the workplace. Therefore, being a Fargreener, I commit to always showing my cooperative attitude toward my colleagues, partners, and community people and always trying my best to help them succeed and thus helping myself and us all succeed. 


I understand that a professional working environment is the one in which focusing on the efficiency and allowing people to be the best of themselves in their own roles so we can be successful as the whole. Being a Fargreener, I commit to trying my best in being my most professional and efficient self in every word that I say and every action that I take.


I understand that a team cannot be strong without members trusting one another. Therefore, being a Fargreener, I commit to putting my trust in my colleagues to do whatever their work commitments are and at the same time trying my best to show others that they can rely on me in doing my job. 


I understand that transparency is the unarguably essential at Fargreen. A transparent workplace is the one that opens for the flow of information, notwithstanding wrongdoings that go against ethical and legal values. Being a Fargreener, I commit to say what I do and say what I really know, and at the same time do what I say. I understand that the Fargreen community will never tolerate any wrongdoings against its ethical and legal values. I understand that if I am unclear on anything I can always ask questions and I will not jump to conclusions on anything that I lack knowledge of. I understand that if I violate this code I will accept disciplinary actions and take responsibility for any legal consequences. 


I understand that sustainability is the value that builds Fargreen’s lasting success. Being sustainable means that always being mindful of any consequences that might be the result of one’s words and actions toward others and our community as a whole. Being a Fargreener, I commit to always thinking long term in every action, word, and decision that I make.